MALLOCCRIT, Memory allocation critical due to request for bbbb bytes from aaaa

All GT.M Components Warning: Indicates a GT.M process exceeded the memory allocation threshold established with $ZMALLOCLIM with a request for bbbb bytes. The address aaaa gives a location in a GT.M executable, likely only useful to your GT.M support channel.

Action: Consider diagnosing the process behavior. For example, look for a resource leak, or a more resource efficient approach. The size of the request may be helpful in indicating how aggressively the process is growing. The MALLOCRIT invokes the error handler, and may need special handling to resume execution at the point it was detected. By default, some later request for memory is likely to produce a fatal MEMORY error, unless a subsequent SET $ZMALLOCLIM reestablishes the same or higher limit not exceeding any system limit. MEMORY errors are fatal and terminate the process. Independent of this mechanism, the OS may kill the process without recourse if it determines the greed of the process for memory jeopardizes the viability of the system.