Conventions Used in This Manual

GT.M messages are identified by a signature of the form GTM-s-abcdef where -s- is a severity indicator and abcdef is an identifier. The severity indicators are: -I- for informational messages, -W- for warnings, -E- for errors and -F- for events that cause a GT.M process to terminate abnormally. For more information on monitoring GT.M messages, refer to "Appendix B: Monitoring GT.M Messages" in the Administration and Operations Guide.

Each entry in this manual is presented in the following format as illustrated by the NOPRINCIO message.


  2. NOTPRINCIO, Output currently directed to device xxxx

  3. Run Time Warning: This message displays the current device when the process enters Direct Mode and the current device xxxx is not the principal device.

  4. Action: To redirect all I/O to the terminal, note the current device or save it in a temporary variable and USE $P. If you decide to resume program execution, restore the current device with a USE command.


  1. Indicates the unique mnemonic preceding the error message and is the component by which the entry is alphabetized.

  2. Indicates the mnemonic and the actual message that accompanies it.

  3. Indicates the GT.M component that generates the message, its severity, and a short description of its implication(s).

  4. Suggests action(s) to take when the message appears.

This manual can be used with GT.M on any of its supported platforms. However, because in some instances the suggested actions are more useful when platform-specific information is provided, the following conventions are used, as necessary.

UNIX: The term UNIX is used here in the general sense of all platforms for which GT.M uses a POSIX API. As of this date, this includes: AIX; HP-UX on IA64 and PA-RISC; GNU/Linux on IA64, x86 and x86_64; Solaris on SPARC; z/OS.

Platform Identifier: If an entire statement is either UNIX- or OpenVMS- specific, it is preceded by the phrase "In UNIX," or "In OpenVMS,". The following example illustrates this convention. Action: In OpenVMS, relink your image to include the missing routine. In UNIX, relink your external call descriptor image to include the missing routine.

If a phrase or word is either UNIX- or OpenVMS- specific, it is suffixed by "(UNIX)" or "(VMS)". The following examples illustrates this convention.

Run Time Error: Strings longer than 32,767 (UNIX) or 65,535 (OpenVMS) bytes have been used with alternative collation and only gtm_ac_xform and gtm_ac_xback are defined in the collation library.

Compile Time Error: This indicates that translation of the indicated environment variable (UNIX) or logical name (OpenVMS) failed. Examine the accompanying message to find out the failure type and the reason of the error.

Although the terms "host shell command" and "file-specification" have some platform-specification connotations, they are used in their most generic sense throughout this manual. The former describes commands that originate from the host operating system, rather than from GT.M. The latter may refer to a simple file name or a full directory path to that file.

Henceforth, the term "originating instance" is used where previously "primary instance" or "originating primary instance" were used, and the term "replicating instance" is used where previously "secondary instance" and "originating secondary instance" were used. Since it is easier to change documentation than it is to change software, and given our tradition of maintaining compatibility especially for existing programs and scripts, the former terms will remain in the software for a long time to come, even as they are supplemented with the new terms in the code, and replaced in the documentation.

We have changed the terminology because "initiating" and "replicating" describe roles that currently exist and will continue to exist as GT.M evolves, while "primary" and "secondary" are both more and less precise and will become less useful as we add capabilities to GT.M. An "initiating instance" is always the instance that first records a transaction (including non-TP mini-transactions). A "replicating instance" is always following the action of an "originating instance", previously called "root primary". We have called secondaries that replicate propagating primaries, but they are not originating instances.

The circle-shaped icon (New) with the "+" sign denotes messages that newly introduced in or since the last major release.

The octagon-shaped icon (Deprecated) with the "-" sign denotes deprecated messages.

The square-shaped icon (Revised) with the delta symbol denotes messages revised in or since the last major release.

At a major release, square-shaped and circle-shaped icons of and since the preceding major release are removed.