Destination Argument

In a similar M statement:

	LOCK +["XX"]A(7):3, "XX" 

The destination is a VMS descriptor that receives the value returned from a database function. GT.M has write-only access to the destination.

The database functions which return a value and therefore require specification of a destination are:

The function returns a MUMPS datum which GT.M converts according to the class and data type of the descriptor. A subsequent section a??Data Types and Descriptorsa??, provides the legal combinations of the class and data types of the destination descriptor.


	gtm$get(GTMI$_EXTGBL, &data, &gdir, &gname)

This specifies GTMI$_EXTGBL as the mode, the variable data as the destination, the global directory gdir as key1 and the global name gname as key2.