
Examples of Quit

Except when a QUIT appears on a line after a FOR, the QUIT command terminates execution of the current GT.M invocation stack level initiated by a DO, XECUTE, extrinsic function or special variable, and returns control to the next "lower" level. In this case, QUIT restores any values stacked at the current level by NEWs or by parameter passing. When a QUIT appears on the line following a FOR, it terminates execution of the FOR.

The format of the QUIT command is:

        Q[UIT][:tvexpr] [expr]

The QUIT performs two similar, but different, functions depending on its context. Because FORs do not add levels to the GT.M invocation stack, QUITs inside FOR loops simply terminate the loop. QUITs that terminate DOs, XECUTEs and extrinsics remove a GT.M invocation stack level and therefore may adjust the local variable environment resulting from previous NEWs or parameter passing. A QUIT from an extrinsic or a frame created by an argumentless DO restores $TEST to its stacked value.

Attempting to QUIT (implicitly or explicitly) from code invoked by a DO, XECUTE or extrinsic after that code issued a TSTART not yet matched by a TCOMMIT, produces an error.