The four key properties of transaction processing systems, the so-called "ACID" properties are: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. GT.M transaction processing provides the first three by means of the TStart and TCommit commands and Durability through journaling.

GT.M, like virtually all high performance databases, uses journaling (called "logging" by some databases) to restore data integrity and provide continuity of business after an unplanned event such as a system crash.

Note that, journaling is not a substitute for good system configuration and design. For example, if a database and its journal files are on the same disk controller, a hardware failure on that controller can damage both files, and prevent recoverability. Journaling complements other techniques to build a robust system.

Journaling requires no M programming. However, the GT.M commands described later in this chapter may enhance the value of journaling.

GT.M journaling uses journal files to record information pertaining to database updates. A journal file has a default extension of mjl. If the new journal filename (the one specified in the FILENAME option or the default) already exists, GT.M renames the existing journal file by appending a string that denotes the time of rename of the journal file in the form of "_YYYYJJJHHMMSS" where:

YYYY           4-digit-year                                    such as 2010 
JJJ            3-digit-Julian-day (between 1 and 366)          such as 199 
HH             2-digit-hour in 24 hr format                    such as 14 
MM             2-digit minute                                  such as 40 
SS             2-digit seconds                                 such as 30

The following animation describes how GT.M uses journal files to record information pertaining to database updates on gtm.dat (the default database file created by gtmprofile).

At any given time the database file (gtm.dat) has a single active journal file (gtm.mjl) with links to predecessor ("previous generation") journal files. The black arrow between the journal files demonstrate how a journal file is back-linked to its predecessor with file name in the form of gtm.mjl_YYYYJJJHHMMSS to form a chain of journal files. When a switch of journal files occurs, either implicitly (for example, when AUTOSWITCHLIMIT is reached) or explicitly (for example, on a backup event or MUPIP SET -JOURNAL=ON), GT.M renames the existing journal file using the timestamp of the time of switch. GT.M creates a new journal file with the name of the journal file for that database, and specifies the previous generation journal file name (after the rename), in the newly created journal file's header.GT.M journaling provides mechanisms for durable recovery/extract from the journal files, replaying database updates to an active database, reverting the database state to a previous consistent state for when replication is in use, and so on. GT.M automatically turns off journaling on encountering run-time conditions such as no available disk space or no authorization for a process attempting to auto-switch a journal file. In such a case, GT.M also logs an appropriate message to the operator log to alert the operational staff. If GT.M detects that the rename-logic yields a filename that already exists (a condition when journal files are switched in the same second), the string "_N[N[N[N...]]]" is appended to the renamed filename where "N[N[N...]]" denotes a sequence of numbers as follows:


GT.M tries all numbers from the order in the above sequence until it finds a non-existing rename-filename. In the above illustration, if gtm.mjl_2010227 082618 is switched in the same second and gtm.mjl_2010227 082618_0 already exists, the renamed journal file would be gtm.mjl_2010227 082618_1. If the existing file renaming scheme or the default journal file naming scheme discussed above results in a filename longer than 255 characters (due to the suffix creation rules), GT.M produces an error and turns off journaling.


In a very short time window just before switching a journal file, GT.M creates a temporary file with an .mjl_new extension and attempts to write a few initialization journal records. After performing an initial verification, GT.M renames the .mjl_new file to the current .mjl file. In rare cases, you might see an .mjl_new file if the journal file creation process was interrupted midway (possibly due to permission or disk space issues). If a subsequent MUPIP process detects an .mjl_new file and no .mjl file, it deletes .mjl_new only after concluding that has been abandoned by seeing that the file persists for an interval longer than the renaming MUPIP process should take, and creates a new .mjl file.

There are two switches to turn on journaling - ENable / DISable and ON/OFF. Enabling or disabling journaling requires stand alone access to the database. Turning journaling on and off can be done when the database is in use. Note: Whenever GT.M implicitly turns off journaling due to run-time conditions such as no available disk space or no authorization for a process attempting to auto-switch a journal file (and so on), it produces an error with accompanying messages to alert operation staff. When journing turns off due to an explicit operator command or because a problem with the journaling environment, it produces a discontinuity in the journal record. Such a gap in journal records creates a barrier to recovery, replication and rollback and with it a potential need for mitigating action, such as a backup or a refreash of one or more replicating intances, depending on the cause of the gap and the risk profile of the impacted environment. GT.M on selected platforms can encrypt data in database and journal files. Encryption protects against unauthorized access to data by an unauthorized process which is able to access disk files, that is, encryption protects data at rest (DAR). Rather than build encryption into GT.M, a plug-in architecture facilitates use of your preferred encryption software. For more information, refer to ChapterA 12: a??Database Encryptiona??.

The following two procedures enable recovery of a database from a journal file:


In a multi-site database replication configuration, you might use these recovery procedures to refresh a replicating instance from the backup of an originating instance. However, the steps for both these recovery procedures are different.

Forward recovery "replays" all database updates in forward direction till the specified point in the journal file. Forward recovery on a backup database starts from when the backup was taken and continues till the specified point in the journal files. Forward recovery on an empty database starts from the beginning of the journal files.

Suppose a system crash occurred at 08:50 hrs and a backup of the database was taken at 08:26 hrs. Using forward recovery, you can replay the database updates between 08:26 hrs to 8:50 hrs (in blue) on the backup copy of the database and restore the database to a state prior to the crash. In the process you can also identify unfinished or broken transactions that might have occurred at the time of the crash. In the following illustration, X denotes the crash time and the blue updates denote forward processing.

A command like mupip journal -recover -forward -before="--8:50" gtm.mjl performs this operation. From the current journal file, forward recovery moves back to the point where the begin transaction number of a journal file matches the current transaction number of the active database (the point when the backup was taken) and begins forward processing. Since a journal file is back-linked to its predecessor, GT.M facilitates forward processing by activating temporary forward links between journal files that appear only during recovery. These forward links are temporary because they are expensive to maintain as new journal files are created. Note: Forward recovery, by design, begins from a journal file whose "Begin Transaction" matches the "Current Transaction" of the active database. This condition occurs only when a new journal file is created (switched) immediately after a backup. If a database is backed up with MUPIP BACKUP -NONEWJNLFILES (a backup option where journal files are not switched), forward recovery cannot find a journal file whose Begin Transaction matches the Current Transaction and therefore cannot proceed with forward recovery. Always use a backup option that switches a journal file or switch journal files explicitly after a backup. Also, once a database has been recovered using forward recovery, you can no longer use it for a future recovery unless you restore the database again from the backup.

Backward recovery restores a journaled database to a prior state. Backward processing starts by rolling back updates to a checkpoint (specified by -SINCE) prior to the desired state and replaying database updates forward till the desired state.

Backward Recovery uses "BEFORE_IMAGE" journaling. With BEFORE_IMAGE journaling, GT.M captures the database updates, as well as "snapshots" of portions of the database immediately prior to the change caused by the update. Unlike forward recovery which works on a backup database, backward recovery works only on production (current) database provided it is usable and BEFORE_IMAGE journaling is enabled.

Suppose a system crash occurred at 10:35 hrs, a command like mupip journal recover backward -lookback_limit="TIME=0 10:10" -since="-- 10:20" -before="-- 10:30" performs backward recovery. The following illustration demonstrates how GT.M performs a recovery after a system crash at 10:35. Backward recovery "un-does" the database updates backward to 10:20, then applies updates forward until the crash. By adding -BEFORE="- - 10:30" to the command, the recovery stops when forward processing encounters updates that originally occurred after 10:30. If the application includes ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT commands to fence a group of transactions, backward processing may continue back prior to 10:10 searching to resolve fenced transactions that were incomplete at 10:20.

-LOOKBACK_LIMIT controls the maximum amount of additional backward processing, in this case, 10 minutes. Note that the -SINCE time in this example is slightly exaggerated for the sake of the graphical representation. If the application includes TSTART and TCOMMIT commands to fence transactions, backward processing does not require LOOKBACK_LIMIT because TSTART/TCOMMIT transactions automatically resolve open transaction fences. So, in the above example if the transactions are fenced with TSTART/TCOMMIT, backward recovery automatically increases the backward processing by 10 minutes.


ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT are deprecated in favor of TSTART and COMMIT. FIS no longer validates ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT and -LOOPBACK_LIMIT (since it applies to ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT).

GT.M manages "trigger definitions" and "triggered updates" differently during journaling and replication. Trigger definitions appear in both journal files and replication streams so the definitions propagate to recovered and replicated databases. Triggered updates appear in the journal file, since MUPIP JOURNAL -RECOVER/-ROLLBACK does not invoke triggers. However, they do not appear in the replication stream since the Update Process on a replicating instance apply triggers and process their logic.

GT.M implicitly wraps a trigger as an M transaction. Therefore, a journal extract file for a database that uses triggers always has Type 8 and 9 (TSTART/TCOMMIT) records even if the triggers perform no updates (that is, are effectively No-ops).

When journaling is ON, GT.M generates journal records for database updates performed by trigger logic. For an explicit database update, a journal record specifies whether any triggers were invoked as part of that update. GT.M triggers have no effect on the generation and use of before image journal records, and the backward phase of rollback / recovery.A trigger associated with a global in a region that is journaled can perform updates in a region that is not journaled. However, if triggers in multiple regions update the same node in an unjournaled region concurrently, the replay order for recovery or rollback might differ from that of the original update and therefore produce a different result; therefore this practice requires careful analysis and implementation. Except when using triggers for debugging, FIS recommends journaling any region that uses triggers.If you database uses triggers, always ensure that unjournaled globals do not perform triggered updates in journaled globals and create procedures to handle trigger updates in the broken/lost transaction files. In broken/lost transaction files, you can identify these entries as + or - and appropriately deal with them using MUPIP TRIGGER and $ZTRIGGER().

BEFORE_IMAGE is a form of Journaling that creates "mini-backups" preceding each database update. Backward Recovery uses these mini-backups to restore the database as far back in time then it replays the database updates."BEFORE_IMAGE" journaling requires more disk I/O and storage space than M-level (or NOBEFORE) journaling but delivers faster recovery times from system failures .


As stated in the GDE chapter, the MM database access method bypasses the BG buffer pool and relies entirely on the operating/file system to manage traffic between memory and disk. Because with MM, GT.M has no control over the timing of disk updates, BEFORE_IMAGE journaling is not an option with MM; attempts to use these two facilities together produce an error.

Any complete transaction (fenced or not) that occurs after a broken transaction is a lost transaction. MUPIP JOURNAL omits lost transaction records from processing and stores them into a file called the lost transaction file. The label of the journal file provides information about the MUPIP JOURNAL processing (ROLLBACK, RECOVER, or EXTRACT) that generates the lost transaction file.

For -EXTRACT and -RECOVER, MUPIP JOURNAL processing generates a lost transaction file for all complete transactions (fenced or not) after a broken transaction. For -ROLLBACK, MUPIP JOURNAL generates a lost transaction file with records that may include unreplicated updates, in-flight updates, or updates that were rolled back due to an operator intervention or a replication setup reconfiguration. If you are in a multisite replication configuration, a lost transaction is a transaction that must be rolled off a database to maintain consistency across all instances.

As MUPIP JOURNAL omits processing the records in a lost transaction file, you need to reconcile (as needed) them to your application. If you are using replication, you should apply a lost transaction file to the originating instance as soon as possible. Use the $ZQGBLMOD() function to help determine whether it is safe to apply a record from a lost transaction file to a global name. If you are not using replication, FIS recommends creating application tools/operation scripts that help with reprocessing the information in the lost transaction file as part of post-recovery check procedures.

It is important to understand the benefits of Journaling before you enable Journaling on your database. M database management ensures that multiple concurrent updates and retrievals of the same information (or information "close together" in ordered sequence) occur in a predictable and logical fashion. Sometimes a database manager may have to change multiple records, usually indices, as a result of a single update. Interrupting a process that is performing such a "multi-point" update violates a design assumption of the M implementation and also results in a malformed database. Under normal operation, the database logic handles interruptions by deferring their recognition until the update is complete. However, occurrences such as power failures or a KILL-9 can cause such interruptions. GT.M Journaling helps maintain data integrity and continuity of business in the event of such interruptions.

Other benefits include (but not limited to):

You should journal any databases whose integrity you care about. Conversely, you need not journal any database that you are prepared to delete in the event of an untoward event like a system crash.

FIS recommends considering the following aspects before you select database files for Journaling.

The programming practice of fencing logical transactions protects database integrity during a system interruption. A logical transaction is a logical unit that is not complete unless all parts of the transaction are captured. For instance, the logical transaction "transfer funds between accounts" consists of a debit update to one account and a credit update to another account.

Establishing fences around a logical transaction assures that the transaction is committed as a unit, thereby avoiding logical inconsistencies. These logical inconsistencies, sometimes referred to as application-level database integrity problems, manifest themselves as run-time errors, inappropriate branching, and incorrect reports.

The four ACID properties are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. GT.M provides Durability with Journaling and Atomicity, Consistency, and Isolation with TSTART and TCOMMIT commands. The TSTART and TCOMMIT commands are replacements for the ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT commands. The following table shows the benefits and drawbacks of each set of TSTART/TCOMMIT versus ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT commands with their application transaction-fencing requirement.



Provide a transaction management facility that is fully ACID-compliant.

Provide journal enhancement to improve the quality of recoveries. With ZTSTART/ZTCOMMIT, programming logic, usually LOCK protocols, must ensure Consistency and Isolation.

All updates stay private until the time of TCOMMIT. This ensures Atomicity.

Atomicity is only ensured (within operationally set parameters) during journal recovery

No cascading rollbacks

A long-running transaction can trigger cascading rollbacks.

TS[TART][:tvexpr] [([lvn...])|lvn|*|]|[:keyword|(keyword...)]

TSTART can manage local variable state on restarts.


Depth of "nested" transactions for TSTART and TCOMMIT is 127.

Depth of "nested" transactions for ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT is 25.


The term cascading roll-back describes the situation that occurs when dropping one transaction causes previous transactions to be sequentially dropped, until potentially all transactions are dropped. If an application violates this assumption, a JOURNAL -RECOVER may create a database with application-level integrity problems. M LOCKs ensure the isolation of a sequence of updates from interaction with any other updates. TSTART and TCOMMIT transaction fences implicitly exhibit the required isolation whether fences are used with or without associated LOCKs.

For more information on TSTART/TCOMMIT, refer to the "Commands" chapter of the GT.M Programmer's Guide for more information.


As stated in the beginning of this chapter, ZTSTART and TZTCOMMIT are deprecated in favor of TSTART and TCOMMIT. FIS no longer validate the ZTSTART and ZTCOMMIT functionality so you should always use TSTART and TCOMMIT to fence your transactions.

You might fence some, all, or no application programs. When you program with fences, it is possible to force a recovery to ignore the fences by using additional qualifiers to MUPIP JOURNAL -RECOVER. The following lists advantages and disadvantages for fencing transactions.

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