The VIEW command adjusts an environmental factor selected by a keyword argument. For example, VIEW controls journal buffer flushing, determines whether GT.M reports undefined variables as errors or treats them as null, and determines which BREAK commands should display messages.

The format of the VIEW command is:

V[IEW][:tvexpr] keyword[:expr2[:...]][,...]

The following sections describe the keywords available for the VIEW command in GT.M.

Controls the evaluation of Boolean expressions (expressions evaluated as a logical TRUE or FALSE).

By default, GT.M enables VIEW "NOFULL_BOOLEAN" which means that GT.M stops evaluating a Boolean expression as soon as it establishes a definitive result. For example, neither 0&$$abc^def() nor 1!$$abc^def() executes $$abc^def(). However, in the case of global references, such as 0&^a or 1!^a, GT.M sets $reference and the naked indicator without actually accessing the global variable.

With VIEW "FULL_BOOLEAN", GT.M ensures that all side effect expression atoms, extrinsic functions ($$), external functions ($&), and $INCREMENT() execute in left-to-right order.

With VIEW "FULL_BOOLWARN", GT.M not only evaluates Boolean expressions like "FULL_BOOLEAN" but produces a BOOLSIDEFFECT warning when it encounters Boolean expressions that may induce side-effects; that is: expressions with side effects after the first Boolean operator - extrinsic functions, external calls and $INCREMENT().

GT.M picks up the value of [NO]FULL_BOOL[EAN|WARN] from the environment variable gtm_boolean. If gtm_boolean is undefined or evaluates to an integer zero (0), the initial setting the default "NOFULL_BOOLEAN", if it evaluates to an integer one (1), the initial setting is "FULL_BOOLEAN" and if it evaluates to integer two (2) the initial setting is "FULL_BOOLWARN".

VIEW "[NO]FULL_BOOL[EAN][WARN]" takes effect immediately for indirection and XECUTE.

VIEW "NOFULLBOOLEAN" produces an error when gtm_side_effects is on. For more information on the gtm_side_effects environment variable, refer to the Environment Variables section in the Basic Operations chapter of the Administration and Operations Guide.

Starts a data-space garbage collection, which normally happens automatically at appropriate times.


There are no visible effects from LV_GCOL, LV_REHASH, and STP_GCOL except for the passage of time depending on the state of your process. FIS uses these VIEW "LV_GCOL","LV_REHASH","STP_GCOL" facilities in testing. They are documented to ensure completeness in product documentation. You may (or may not) find them useful during application development for debugging or performance testing implementation alternatives.

Starts a reorganization of the local variable look-up table, which normally happens automatically at appropriate times.


There are no visible effects from LV_REHASH, LV_GCOL, and STP_GCOL except for the passage of time depending on the state of your process. FIS uses these VIEW "LV_GCOL","LV_REHASH","STP_GCOL" facilities in testing. They are documented to ensure completeness in product documentation. You may (or may not) find them useful during application development for debugging or performance testing implementation alternatives.

where expr must evaluate to one of the following forms:

GT.M transaction processing permits the application to specify a set of globals that do not require GT.M to preserve Isolation, one of the "ACID" properties of TP. This shifts the responsibility for Isolation from GT.M to the application logic, and permits GT.M to relax its TP Isolation rules. This avoids TP restarts in certain cases thus improving the performance of the application. For example, if a global variable includes $JOB as a subscript, the application may be written and scheduled in such a way that no more than one process uses a node of that global at any given time. Specifying such a global as "NOISOLATED" avoids transaction restarts that occur when different processes concurrently update and access nodes that share the same GDS block.

The rules for enforcement by GT.M of Isolation, and therefore potentially Consistency, are relaxed for application-specified global variables in order to allow the application to manage these properties. GT.M is responsible for Atomicity and Durability, as well as for database integrity for all variables, and for Isolation and Consistency for any global variables for which the application does not accept responsibility.

Note that if an application incorrectly specifies a global to be NOISOLATED, severe, and possibly intermittent and difficult to diagnose damage to application-level integrity is likely to result. A thorough understanding of the application is necessary before declaring a global to be noisolated. GT.M preserves database integrity (accessibility) for NOISOLATED, as well as ISOLATED global variables.

GT.M ignores attempts to turn on (or off) the feature for globals that already have the feature turned on (or off). It is an error to modify the isolation-status of a global variable within a transaction across different references (either reads or writes) of that global variable. The VIEW command by itself is not considered to be a reference of the global variable. While not recommended programming practice, this means that a process can change a global's isolation-status within a transaction as long as it hasn't referenced it yet.

Any reads on a NOISOLATION global are validated at the time of the read and not re-validated at TCOMMIT time. This means that if the value that was read changed after the read but before the TCOMMIT, the transaction would still be committed. Therefore it is important that any reads on a NOISOLATED global (if any) should be of data insensitive to change with time (unchanging or where consistency with other data accessed by the transaction doesn't matter).

VIEW "POOLLIMIT":<region>:expr, where expr is of the form n[%] provides a mechanism for a process that has the potential to "churn" global buffers to limit the potential impact on other processes by restricting the number of global buffers it uses. If the expression ends with a per-cent sign (%), the number is taken as an as a percentage of the configured global buffers and otherwise as an ordinal number of preferred buffers; standard M parsing and integer conversions apply. Preferred buffer values are limited to between 32 and one less than half the buffer pool inclusive; with the exception of zero (0) or 100 per cent, which turn off the limitation; specifications exceeding those limits provide the value of the nearer limit. If the argument specifies "*" for the region, the command applies to all regions. $VIEW("POOLLIMIT",<region>) returns the current value for the region as an ordinal number - zero (0) when there is no limit in place. This facility is designed for use by a relatively small subset of processes. Note that the poollimit mechanism does not completely restrict a process to a limited protion of the pool, but rather tends to restrict it to that portion. In addition, MUPIP REORG uses this facility to limit its buffers to a value established by the UNIX environment variable gtm_poollimit using the syntax described for VIEW "POOLLIMIT" with a default of 64 if gtm_poollimit is not specified. Note that this may slightly slow a standalone REORG but can be overridden by defining gtm_poollimit as 0 or "100%".

VIEW "[NO]STATSHARE"[:<region-list>] enables or disables database statistics sharing for listed regions which permit such sharing. Without the region-list, the command acts on all regions enabled for sharing. When a targeted region has sharing disabled, STATSHARE has no effect.

This provides a fast and efficient mechanism for processes to share their database access statistics for other processes to monitor. Processes opt in or out with the VIEW "[NO]STATSHARE"[:<region-list>] command, defaulting to VIEW "NOSTATSHARE". At process startup, a value of 1, or any case-independent string or leading substrings of "TRUE" or "YES" in the environment variable gtm_statshare provides an initial setting of VIEW "STATSHARE". When a process changes whether it is opting in or out, there is no change to the output of a ZSHOW "G" within that process. GT.M does not permit this form of the VIEW command within a TP transaction. Monitoring the statistics of other processes does not require opting-in.

The processes which opt-in for STATSHARE place their statistics as binary data in database files located in the directory specified by the gtm_statsdir environment variable. All processes that share statistics MUST use the same value for $gtm_statsdir. The ^%YGBLSTAT utility program gathers and reports statistics.


A VIEW "[NO]STATSHARE" with no region sub-argument opens any unopened mapped regions and any enabled associated statsDB regions; the $gtm_statshare environment variable applies to databases as the application first uses them. When the last VIEW "[NO]STATSHARE" had no region sub-argument, regions implicitly share when the process first references them, but after a VIEW specifies selective sharing, regions don't implicitly share as they open.

Starts a string-pool garbage collection, which normally happens automatically at appropriate times.


There are no visible effects from STP_GCOL, LV_GCOL and LV_REHASH except for the passage of time depending on the state of your process. FIS uses these VIEW "LV_GCOL","LV_REHASH","STP_GCOL" facilities in testing. They are documented to ensure completeness in product documentation. You may (or may not) find them useful during application development for debugging or performance testing implementation alternatives.

Traces GT.M program execution and generates profiling information about the lines and functions executed; with low impact on the run-time performance.

The feature turns on (value=1) or turns off (value=0) M-profiling. This expression must evaluate to a string containing the name of a GT.M global variable. The global may also have subscripts; however the subscripts must be literals or the special variable $JOB. For the $JOB process identifier description, refer to ChapterA 8: a??Intrinsic Special Variablesa??.

The expression is optional when turning M-profiling off, if it exists, it overrides the global variable set when M-profiling was turned on.

gtm_trace_gbl_name enables GT.M tracing at process startup. Setting gtm_trace_gbl_name to a valid global variable name instructs GT.M to report the data in the specified global when a VIEW command disables the tracing, or implicitly at process termination. This setting behaves as if the process issued a VIEW "TRACE" command at process startup. However, gtm_trace_gbl_name has a capability not available with the VIEW command, such that if the environment variable is defined but evaluates to zero (0) or, only on UNIX, to the empty string, GT.M collects the M-profiling data in memory and discards it when the process terminates (this feature is mainly used for in-house testing). Note that having this feature activated for process that otherwise do not open a database file (such as GDE) can cause them to encounter an error.

In addition, if a process issues a malformed VIEW command that attempts to turn tracing off, GT.M issues an error but retains all accumulated profiling data and continues tracing. If the tracing is still enabled at the process shutdown and the trace start specified a reporting location, GT.M attempts to place the trace data there. Note that if there is a problem updating the specified trace-reporting global variable, GT.M issues an error at process termination.

M-profiling uses a technique called Basic Block Counting where calls are made to special profiling functions at key points in a GT.M program. A trace consists of the following run-time data as output for each GT.M function, as well as for each GT.M statement:

  • The number of times it is executed.

  • The total CPU time, subject to the granularity of the operating system provided time functions, spent across all invocations for each function and each GT.M statement as five values: count, user time, system time, total time, and elapsed time.

VIEW "TRACE" also reports details of child processes using two aggregate entries -- "*RUN" for the current process and "*CHILDREN" for all of child processes spawned by the current process, each containing user, system, and combined CPU times. The "CHILD" category data excludes processes that result from the JOB command, PIPE devices OPENed with the INDEPENDENT device parameter and processes from PIPE devices that are still active.

Instead of modifying the generated code as done by common profiling tools, such as gprof, M-profiling operates entirely within the GT.M run-time system; therefore, this feature does not require a special compilation, has no effect on code size and minimizes run-time overhead.

When M-profiling is activated, it gathers profiling information for each line and GT.M function invocation. The reported time for a GT.M line is the time spent in generated code for that line, and does not include time spent in entreyrefs called from that line. When M-profiling is deactivated, the accumulated statistics are loaded into a GT.M global. GT.M profiling accumulates and provides the data; the user chooses tools and techniques to analyze the data.

The M-profiling information is stored in the variable in the following format:

  • If the expression is a global variable without subscripts such as "^foo", the M-profiling information is stored in the nodes ^foo(<routine>,<label>) and ^foo(<routine>,<label>,<offset>), each holding a value in the form "<count>:<usertime>,:<systemtime>,:<total_time>".

  • If the expression has a value such as "^foo("MYTRACE",$J)", the trace information is stored in the nodes ^foo("MYTRACE",<pid>,<routine>,<label>) and ^foo("MYTRACE",<pid>,<routine>,<label>,<offset>), each of which has a value in the form "<count>,<usertime>,<systemtime>,<total_time>" as described above.

  • For FOR loops, information for each level of the loop is stored in the nodes as described above, with the extra subscipts "FOR LOOP". <for_level> is the value of the number of iterations at that level of the FOR loop.


GTM>zprint ^profiling
; In this example, query^profiling, order^profiling, and merge^profling perform the same operation -- store even-numbered subscripts of a global to a subscripted loc
al variable. M-profiling results show which yields the fastest execution between the three.
  kill ^TMP,^trc
  view "trace":1:"^trc"
  set ulimit=1500
  for i=1:1:ulimit set ^TMP(i)=i
  do qom("^TMP")
  view "trace":0:"^trc"
  zwrite ^trc
  do query(y)
  do order(y)
  do merge(y)
  new i,qryval
  set i=0,y=$query(@y)
  for  quit:y=""   do
  .      set:i#2 qryval(i)=@y
  .      set y=$query(@y)
  .      set i=i+1
  new i,ordval
  set x="",i=0,y=y_"(x)",x=$order(@y)
  for  quit:x=""  do
  .      set:i#2 ordval(i)=x
  .      set x=$order(@y)
  .      set i=i+1
  new i,merval
  set i=0,merval=0
  merge merval=@y
  for i=1:1:$order(merval(""),-1)  do
  .      kill:i#2 merval(i)

On a Ubuntu system running GTM V6.1-000_x86_64, this example produces an output like the following:

GTM>do ^profiling
  • CPU times are reported in microseconds. 1 second = 1,000,000 microseconds.

  • ^trc("*CHILDREN")="0:0:0" indicates that the main process did not spawn any child process.

  • ^trc("*RUN")="144009:76004:220013" : the three pieces specify the aggregate User Time, System Time and Total Time values for the main process.

  • ^trc("profiling","query",3,"FOR_LOOP",1)=1501 specifies the number of times the FOR loop was executed on line #3 of query^profiling.

  • ^trc("profiling","merge")="1:8001:12000:20001:16231", ^trc("profiling","order")="1:12001:8001:20002:25720", ^trc("profiling","query")="1:72004:20001:92005:88031": the five pieces specify the aggregate Execution Count, User Time, System,Time, Total Time and the Elapsed Time of the code execution for merge^profiling, order^profling, and query^profiling. merge^profiling has the fastest execution time followed by order^profiling. query^profiling is the slowest amongst the three.

  • ^trc("profiling","merge",3)="1:8001:0:8001:8044" and others like it specifies the cumulative Execution Count, User Time, System Time, Total Time and the Elapsed Time of the code execution of line 3 of merge^profiling.

  • The M-profiling results are subject to the granularity of the operating system provided time functions. CPU time entries having 0:0:0 values indicate lightweight M mode having 0 to less than 1 microsecond.

Consider the following program that presents the output of this M-profiling result in a tabular report.

GTM>zprint ^tracereport
  set gap=15
  set $piece(x,".",gap*6)="" write x,!
  write "Line #",?gap,"Count",?gap*2,"User Time",?gap*3,"System Time",?gap*4,"Total Time",?gap*5,"Elapsed Time",!
  set $piece(x,".",gap*6)="" write x,!
  for  set gbl=$query(@gbl) quit:gbl=""  do
  .      if ($length(@gbl,":")=5)&($qsubscript(gbl,1)=rtn)&($qsubscript(gbl,2)=label) do
        ..      set gap=15 set lineno=$qsubscript(gbl,3)
        ..      if lineno="" write label," total",?gap set zp=""
        ..      else  write lineno,?gap set zp=label_"+"_lineno_"^"_rtn
        ..      for i=1:1:5 set gap=gap+15 write $piece(@gbl,":",i),?gap
        ..      write !
        ..      set maxlines=$qsubscript(gbl,3)
  for i=0:1:maxlines do
  .      set zp=label_"+"_i_"^"_rtn
  .      write "Line #",i,": ",?9
  .      zprint @zp
GTM>do ^tracereport("^trc","order","profiling")
Line #         Count          User Time      System Time    Total Time     Elapsed Time
order total    1              12001          8001           20002          25720
0              1              0              0              0              8
1              1              0              0              0              6
2              1              0              0              0              90
3              1              0              8001           8001           7160
4              1500           0              0              0              6319
5              1500           12001          0              12001          12069
6              1500           0              0              0              0
7              1              0              0              0              63
Line #0: order(y)
Line #1:   new i,ordval
Line #2:   set x="",i=0,y=y_"(x)",x=$order(@y)
Line #3:   for  quit:x=""  do
Line #4:   .      set:i#2 ordval(i)=x
Line #5:   .      set x=$order(@y)
Line #6:   .      set i=i+1
Line #7:   quit

This shows that order^profiling has an elapsed time of 25720 and the maximum elapsed time was on line #5, which was executed 1500 times.

GTM>do ^tracereport("^trc","merge","profiling")
Line #         Count          User Time      System Time    Total Time     Elapsed Time
merge total    1              8001           12000          20001          16231
0              1              0              0              0              5
1              1              0              0              0              4
2              1              0              0              0              4
3              1              8001           0              8001           8044
4              1              0              12000          12000          7992
5              1500           0              0              0              4
6              1              0              0              0              174
Line #0: merge(y)
Line #1:   new i,merval
Line #2:   set i=0,merval=0
Line #3:   merge merval=@y
Line #4:   for i=1:1:$order(merval(""),-1)  do
Line #5:   . kill:i#2 merval(i)
Line #6:   quit

This shows that merge^profiling has an elapsed time of 16231 and the maximum elapsed time was on line #3, which was executed once.

Note that M-profiling results are reported for each line. While reporting time for a line containing an invocation of a label, M-profiling excludes the execution time of that label.

Here is an example:

GTM>do ^tracereport("^trc","qom","profiling")
Line #         Count          User Time      System Time    Total Time     Elapsed Time
qom total      1              0              0              0              78
0              1              0              0              0              18
1              1              0              0              0              11
2              1              0              0              0              9
3              1              0              0              0              11
4              1              0              0              0              5
Line #0: qom(y)
Line #1:   do query(y)
Line #2:   do order(y)
Line #3:   do merge(y)
Line #4:   quit

Notice that the execution of do merge(y) reports an Elapsed Time of 9 whereas merge^profiling reported an Elapsed Time of 1149.

You can write programs like tracereport.m to interpret the results of the M-profiling data and also use them to analyze your code execution path based on your unique requirements.

view "trace":1: "<gbl>" and view "trace":0: "<gbl>" commands enable and disable M-profiling.

To perform entryref-specific M-profiling without modifying the source program, use ZBREAK. For example, to perform M-profiling of the entryref merge^profiling, remove VIEW "TRACE" commands from profiling.m and then execute the following commands:

GTM>ZBREAK merge^profiling:"view ""TRACE"":1:""^mtrc"" write ""Trace"""
GTM>do ^profiling
GTM>view "TRACE":0:"^mtrc"
GTM>zwrite ^mtrc


If prof.m is:

    set start=1
    set finish=1000
    view "TRACE":1:"^trc"
    kill cycle S max=$$docycle(start,finish,"cycle")
    view "TRACE":0:"^trc"
    zwrite ^trc
    new i,currpath,current,maxcycle,n
    set maxcycle=1
    for current=first:1:last do cyclehelper
    quit maxcycle
    set n=current
    kill currpath
    for i=0:1 quit:$data(@var@(n))!(1=n)  D
    .    set currpath(i)=n
    .    do iterate
    if 0<i do
    .    if 1=n set i=i+1
    .    else  set i=i+@var@(n)
    .    do updatemax
    .    set n="" for  set n=$O(currpath(n)) Q:""=n  S @var@(currpath(n))=i-n
    if 0=(n#2) set n=n/2
    else  set n=3*n+1
    set:i>maxcycle maxcycle=i

On executing prof, the output looks like the following (times in the example were chosen for clarity of illustration and are not typical).



If fortypes.m is:

    new i,j,k,v
    set k=1
    view "TRACE":1:"^trc"
    for i=1:1:3  set v=i
    for i=1:1  set v=0  quit:i=3
    for i=1,2:1:4,6  set v=0
    for i=1:1,2  set v=0  quit:i=3
    for i=1:1:2  for j=1:1:3  set v=0
    for i=1:1:2  
    .    for j=1:1:1  do
    ..        set v=0
    set j=5  for i=1:1:j  do
    .    set j=(j-1)
    for i=1:1:2  for j=1:1:3  do
    .    set v=0
    for i=1:1:2  do
    .    for j=1:1:3  set v=0
    for i=1:1:2  do
    .    for j=1:1:3  do
    ..        set v=0
    for i="foo","bar",1:1  set v=0  quit:i=3
    for  set k=k+1  quit:k=3
    for i=1:1:3  for j=1:1:(3-i)  set v=0
    for i=1:1:3  for j=1:1:(3-i)  for k=1:1:(j+1)  set v=0
    set k=3  view "TRACE":0:"^trc"
    zwrite ^trc

On executing fortypes, the output looks something like the following:


Determines whether four digit year code is active for $ZDATE() function. GT.M defaults to zero (0), that is, two digit output. For more usage information, refer to a??$ZDate()a??.

If no value is given with the VIEW command, it turns four digit code on. It is equivalent to the intrinsic special variable $ZDATEFORM. Use $ZDATEFORM to set this VIEW keyword. Also, logical name environment variable gtm_zdate_form may be used to set the initial value to this factor.

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