A series of functions beginning with $ZBIT lets you manipulate a bit stream. Internally, GT.M stores a bit stream in the form of a bit string. A bit string embeds a bit stream in such a way that the first byte specifies the number of trailing bits in the last byte that are not part of the bit-stream. In this way, GT.M is able to store bit-streams of lengths other than multiples of 8 bits in byte format. So for example, a first byte of value of zero (0) indicates that all of the bits in the last byte belong to the bit-stream, while a one (1) indicates the last bit is excluded and a seven (7) indicates that only the first bit in the last byte belongs to the bit-stream.

If you have to convert a character string into a bit string then add a leading byte to that character string so that all $ZBIT functions can recognize it. The most common and straightforward way of doing this is to concatenate a $CHAR(n) on the front of the character string, where the value of n is zero through seven (0-7) a?? most commonly zero (0). If you pass a bit string as an argument to a routine that is expecting a character string, then that caller routine must strip off the first (and possibly the last) byte so that it can recognize the character string.

This section contains the description of all $ZBIT function and an example of using $ZBIT functions to turn a character into a bit stream and return a coded value. However, the most appropriate use of these functions may include the formation of checksums, handling of bit-data (say pixels from a scan), or interfacing with a routine that requires bit-oriented arguments.