The ZCOMPILE command invokes the GT.M compiler from within the GT.M run-time environment.
Within GT.M itself, ZCOMPILE provides the functionality of the mumps command, except for mumps -direct.
The format of the ZCOMPILE command is:
ZCOM[PILE][:tvexpr] expr[,...]
The optional truth-valued expression immediately following the command is a command postconditional that controls whether or not GT.M executes the command.
The expression argument specifies one or more filenames, which may optionally include the .m extension. If the file specification does not include a .m extension, ZCOMPILE assumes a default file extension of ".m". Wildcards are acceptable in the filename specification. The filename specification can be optionally prefixed by qualifiers valid for a mumps command.
For a description of the arguments and qualifiers of the mumps command, refer to ChapterA 3: a??Development Cyclea??.
The $ZCSTATUS intrinsic special variable which holds the value of the status code for the compilation performed by a run-time compilation command.
If the argument does not include compilation qualifiers, the commmand uses the $ZCOMPILE ISV for possible qualifiers.
This compiles EXAMPLE.m in the current working directory.
ZCOMPILE "-list A*.m"
This compiles all files starting with a [capital] A and an extension of .m in the current working directory and produces corresponding listing files for each source / object.