The snmptranslate CLI application can be used to explore/traverse the OIDs in your InfoHub MIB. The snmptranslate command translates one or more OIDs in numeric form to textual form or vice versa. A typical syntax of the snmptranslate command in the SNMP Plugin is:
snmptranslate [<snmpcmd_common_options>] -m <MIBModule(s)> {-Tp|-Td} {-Oa|-On} [-IR] OID [OID]...
Specifies the translation option. -Tp displays translation output in tree format. -Td displays tranlation output in full detail. For more information, see TRANSOPTS in the man page entry for snmptranslate.
snmpcmd_common_options are options and agent arguments that are common to most snmp commands. For more information, refer to the man page entry for snmpcmd.
Specifies a colon delimited list of MIB modules. If you are using the GT.M SNMP Plugin, you would specify -m INFOHUB-1-MIB as the InfoHub MIB module. The MIB acts as a dictionary that translates mnemonics, which are typically more user-friendly, into the numeric values used in the SMNP protocol. For more information, refer to the man page entry for snmpcmd.
Displays strings in ASCII form. -On displays output in numeric form. For more information on the -O option, refer to OUTPUT OPTION in the man page entry for snmpcmd.
OID is the object identifier of a monitored object in an MIB. If your monitored objects are in the InfoHub MIB module, you need to additional specify one of the four Views and an Object Index.
Specifies the use of random access lookup to search the OID(s). It allows you to specify only the desired object rather than its fully qualified path. For more information, see INPUT OPTIONS in the man page entry for snmpcmd.
Traversing an OID using the Tree View:
$ snmptranslate -m INFOHUB-1-MIB -Tp | less +--gtm(2) | +--infohub(1) | +--profile1(2) | +--profile1curr(1) | | | +--profile1uatenv1curr(641977582) | | | +--profile1uatenv1Syslogcurr(1) | | | | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr(159) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMFatalcurr(265) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogAllcurr(314) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMFailcurr(323) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMsecshrcurr(358) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMKillcurr(979) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogJNLACCESScurr(150372826) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGBLOFLOWcurr(150372882) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMSECSHRDMNSTARTEDcurr(150373907) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogJNLSPACELOWcurr(150375771) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMSECSHRSRVFcurr(150376298) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMASSERTcurr(150376532) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogTPRESTARTcurr(150376595) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogMUTEXLCKALERTcurr(150376920) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMSECSHRcurr(150376938) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogDBFILEXTcurr(150377491) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogJNLFSYNCERRcurr(150377498) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogDBFSYNCERRcurr(150378082) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogNOSPACECREcurr(150378762) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogOUTOFSPACEcurr(150378788) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogTPNOTACIDcurr(150378867) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogDBDANGERcurr(150378976) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogREQ2RESUMEcurr(150379035) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogSUSPENDINGcurr(150379139) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogSTUCKACTcurr(150381523) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMASSERT2curr(150382164) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogREPLINSTFROZENcurr(150382650) | | +-- -R-- String profile1uatenv1SyslogREPLINSTUNFROZENcurr(150382667) | | | +--profile1uatenv1RegReplFetchcurr(583368784)
The leaf nodes under profile1uatenv1Syslogcurr(1)
start from profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr(159)
up to profile1uatenv1SyslogREPLINSTUNFROZENcurr(150382667)
. As explained in the "Performing an SNMP GET Request", a GET request for profile1uatenv1SyslogDBFILEXTcurr.0 produces the current value.
The InfoHub Configuration File entries for profile1uatenv1SyslogDBFILEXTcurr.0
can be as follows:
InfoHub Component |
Name |
InfoHub Configuration File entry |
InfoHub |
profile1 |
Publisher |
uatenv1 |
Xline |
syslog |
InfoDict Item |
These entries are tied together in the InfoHub Configuration File as follows:
InfoHub:profile1:2 Publisher:Instances:uatenv1:::infogleaner:1000:1000 FileLine:Xline:Syslog:1:uatenv1:/var/log/messages:2:1:a??$char(30):a??PreExpr^FLGleaner:a??InfoExpr^FLGleaner InfoDict:Instances InfoDictItem:Instances:uatenv1::: InfoDict:SyslogParent:1:Instances InfoDictItem:SyslogParent:Syslog:1::: // All syslog messages InfoDict:SyslogAll::SyslogParent InfoDictItem:SyslogAll:All:314:::All syslog messages // All GT.M syslog messages InfoDict:SyslogGTM::SyslogParent InfoDictItem:SyslogGTM:GTM:159:::All GT.M syslog messages // All fatal syslog messages InfoDict:SyslogFatal::SyslogParent InfoDictItem:SyslogFatal:GTMFatal:265:::All fatal syslog messages // Individual syslog message paths InfoDict:SyslogIndividual::SyslogParent InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:JNLACCESS:150372826::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:GBLOFLOW:150372882::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:GTMSECSHRDMNSTARTED:150373907::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:JNLSPACELOW:150375771::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:GTMSECSHRSRVF:150376298::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:GTMASSERT:150376532::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:TPRESTART:150376595::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:MUTEXLCKALERT:150376920::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:GTMSECSHR:150376938::String InfoDictItem:SyslogIndividual:DBFILEXT:150377491::String
Displaying full details of an OID:
$ snmptranslate -m INFOHUB-1-MIB -Td -IR -Oa profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr INFOHUB-1-MIB::profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr OBJECT-TYPE -- FROM INFOHUB-1-MIB SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All GT.M syslog messages" ::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) fis(16830) profile(6) gtm(2) infohub(1) profile1(2) profile1curr(1) profile1uatenv1curr(641977582) profile1uatenv1Syslogcurr(1) 159 }
This example displays all details associated with profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr
Displaying an OID in numeric form:
$ snmptranslate -m INFOHUB-1-MIB -IR -On profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr .
This example displays profile1uatenv1SyslogGTMcurr
in numeric form.